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Elected Officials, Organizations, and Community Leaders who have endorsed Christina 

  • Christopher Cabaldon, State of California Senate Candidate

  • Monica Brown, Solano County Supervisor 

  • Cassandra James, Solano County Supervisor Elect

  • Dr. Tom Campbell, Benicia City Councilmember

  • Terry Scott, Benicia Vice Mayor 

  • Kari Birdseye, Benicia City Councilmember 

  • Elizabeth Patterson, Former Benicia Mayor

  • Jerry Hayes, Former Benicia Mayor 

  • Ana Petero, Fairfield Suisun School Board Member

  • Jack Flynn, Fairfield Suisun School Board Member and former President of Young Democrats

  • Solano County Democratic Central Committee

  • Progressive Democrats of Benicia 

  • Sierra Club

  • Solano County Orderly Growth Committee (SCOGC)

What people are saying about Christina 

Kari Birdseye
Benicia City Council Member

I strongly endorse Christina Gilpin-Hayes for Benicia City Council. Christina's dedication to our community, her vision for sustainable development, and her commitment to transparent governance make her an outstanding candidate.

Christina's leadership both in the LGBTQI+ community and throughout Benicia has shown me that she will bring positive changes and continued growth to our city. Her straight-forward communication style and willingness to do the hard work are exactly what we need in our next set of City leaders. I encourage you to support her in the upcoming election.

Julie Orta and Christianne Sigler -
Benicia residents for 22 years

Christina is a wonderful resource for our community. She brings people together. She is welcoming, energetic, enthusiastic and has a tireless voice for everyone.


In the time we have known her, we have witnessed all her hard work building relationships in the community, particularly but not limited to traditionally marginalized groups.


She identifies where resources are lacking and visibility is missing. She is a sharp researcher and an organizer of action. She has a thirst for understanding and a devotion to a fair, functional community. She is a wonderful friend, neighbor, community member and activist.


Her vision and voice for everyone is a benefit to our town.

Kiki Poe, Chief Operating Officer
East Bay Housing Organizations

For over 15 years, I’ve witnessed Christina’s commitment to the betterment of her community. She has consistently been a safe space and the voice of reason and hope for so many. From opening her home for community organizing and volunteering at peace rallies to fundraising for those that are housing insecure, she’s been hands on in creating solutions for the challenges people were facing. I am so proud of all of her efforts and excited to see her contributions in Benicia!

Laura Rupenian

I have known Christina for over 15 years, and it is an honor and a pleasure to endorse her for Benicia City Council.

Christina was once a paralegal on my team, and over time she became my most trusted person on the job, my strategic sounding board and my friend.

She is smart and has an outstanding ability to see the big picture. She is firm when needed and remains focused on the issue at task. At the same time, she takes into account everyone’s perspective. She understands that one can be effective and remain kind.

She knows how to motivate communities, and I have watched her build and lead corporate teams and volunteer projects. No matter the setting, Christina makes change happen, connects with people and delivers results.

Brande Gentry & Melitta Rorty -
Benicia residents for 18 years

We are excited to endorse Christina Gilpin-Hayes for Benicia City Council. Her leadership as the administrator of Buy Nothing Benicia has brought structure, accountability, and transparency to our online giving community.  


Christina and her wife, Donna, founded the Benicia LGBTQIA Network, creating a safe space for at-risk populations and fostering inclusivity.  Christina’s exceptional organizational skills and commitment to follow-through are evident in every aspect of her work and personal life.  


Additionally, as a proud “chicken mom” to three rescue chickens, Goldie, Yakki and Teri, she demonstrates her nurturing spirit and care for all living beings.  


Christina Gilpin-Hayes is a leader of integrity, compassion and dedication.  We wholeheartedly support her candidacy for Benicia City Council and believe she will bring positive change to our community. 


Sharlee Beasley

Christina Gilpin-Hayes has been my friend and neighbor for three years and I truly admire her selflessness that shows her strong sense of community and empathy for others. She is an excellent organizer of community events, has an undeniable charisma with many Benicia residents, and is extremely honest and hardworking.  I highly endorse her candidacy for the Benicia City Council.  She has so much to offer our little town! 

Risa Plavin Corwin
Steve Corwin 

My husband and I met Christina shortly after she and her wife, Donna, moved to Benicia. From the start, I was impressed by Christina's ability to engage with the community. She quickly became an administrator in the Buy Nothing Benicia group and went above and beyond, even hosting a gathering in her home to help neighbors connect. Christina consistently moves forward, encouraging everyone around her to succeed, and gives her all every day. She excels in handling opposition, maintaining a positive attitude and staying patient when others might have given up long ago. Although my husband and I have become very close to Christina and Donna, that isn't the reason I am endorsing her candidacy for city council. I truly believe her vision, genuine love for our community, positivity, and creativity are invaluable assets to our town.

Steve and I are proud to endorse Christina for Benicia City Council.

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